
This blog was created to fact-check content published by Chris Wark on his Chrisbeatcancer.com blog, his books, Youtube channel videos, media interviews and his Square 1 video series.     Chris Wark did not choose to market his plant-based diet  as a complementary adjunct to conventional cancer treatment.  He is hostile to science-based medicine claiming he  applies “a great deal of scrutiny and criticism” to his analysis of science-based medicine but utterly fails completely to apply any scrutiny to alt-medicine.   His bias translates into Wark actively encouraging cancer patients to avoid screening tests such as mammography and biopsies, and to forego having surgery, chemotherapy and radiation.  This blog will explore evidence of sloppy citations, cherry-picked references, deletion of survivor stories, omission of data, Wark’s “friends” and methods of acquiring money from cancer patients.

I initially created this blog trying to believe the best of Chris Wark, i.e. that he was naive and been deceived by previous alt-med gurus and was therefore passing on that deception unintentionally to others.   Two pieces of evidence changed my perspective.  The first was this post, https://factcheckingchrisbeatcancer.wordpress.com/2019/02/22/surgery-and-biopsies-its-a-common-myth-that-biopsies-spread-cancer/   ,  and the second was this video https://youtu.be/foGsf761dYI which goes into detail about the “survivors” who have died and Chris either does not update their testimony with this news or he deletes it.  The latter shows a deliberate intention to hide the truth from vulnerable cancer patients or their families.

Wark recommends a raw plant-based diet, juicing, coffee enemas, and prayer to “heal” cancer. I’m in full support of plant-predominant diets, exercise and spirituality in conjunction with standard medical care  , but not as a replacement for scientifically rigorous, evidence-based oncological treatments.

If you were diagnosed with cancer, were led to believe your cancer could be “healed” with natural quackery, delayed any conventional treatment only to have your cancer worsen, please contact me via the contact form in the header link.

I make no income from advertising on this site.  What advertising that does appear is generated from WordPress as part of the free blog site package and all revenue reverts to WordPress.com.